Birth Registration of New Born Child – S-1 Form
As prescribed in Rule (i) Registration of Birth of a Child of Citizen of Pakistan born outside Pakistan, may be reported by the parents or guardians on Form S-1 or Form-S to the concerned Pakistan’s Mission abroad within a period of Six Months of the birth of the child. Kindly see the relevant rules of Citizen by Decent at the Immigration and Passport Office of Pakistan official Website Click Here.
Yet, some of the Diplomatic Missions of Pakistan accept Form S-1 or Form S upto one year old of the child for facilitation and convenience of the Overseas Pakistanis. The birth of the child must be register through S-1 form within one year from the date of birth of the child.
New born babies born to Pakistani Citizen / dual citizens must be registered as Pakistani nationals in an accredited Embassy / High Commission / Consulate General of Pakistan where the baby was born, by their parents within one year from the date of birth of the child.
Required documents for Registration of New Born baby – S-1 Form
- Form S-1: (duly filled in S-1 Form), DOB should be written in DD-MM-YYYY format and do not enter any other date on the form) – Country of birth should also be written. Do not write name of small town. For example a child born in a town of Stockholm Sweden on 01st January, 2021. It should be written like: 01-01-2021 – Stockholm, Sweden.
- Birth Certificate / Extract of Population Register (Familjbevis) showing the name of the newborn and his/her father and mother / guardians, in English from the concerned authority in Original. If the baby born in Sweden from Skatteverket / Maistaatti (Original). If the child born in another country, the birth certificate should be from the concerned authority in English clearly showing the date of birth, name of the child, his / her parents names. Important to note, some of the country just register surname only of the child while issuing Familjbevis or birth certificate, in such case the parent should write the name of the child of their choice in the S-1 form. However, the date of birth and parents names must be written clearly.
- Both Parents’ NICOP/CNICs (Original + Photocopy). Production of Original CNIC / NICOP is mandatory.
- Copies of both Parents’ Passport only. If parents are dual citizen then submit photocopies of foreign country passport as well.
- The child mother’s NICOP / CNIC must have husband’s name on it. If it is not so, then copy of duly attested (from the concerned Ministry of Foreign Affairs where the marriage took place) Nikahnama has to be submitted. In case if one of the parents of the child is foreign national, then the foreign spouse has to submit a No Objection Certificate (NoC) declaring solemnly that he or she does not have any objection on the registration of his / her child as Pakistani national.
- Two passport size colour photographs of the child (on photographic paper preferably with white background). However, blue background will also be acceptable.
- Applicable Fee in the local currency of the country.
Important Note:
Kindly follow the instructions of the concerned Diplomatic Mission where the child has to be registered. For update instructions, always visit the website of the concerned diplomatic Mission.
To download Blank S-1 Form: Click Here
How to fill-in the S-1 Form? Please see the following Typed Specimen:-

How fill in S-1 form by hand? Please see the following hand written Specimen of S-1 Form:

Please see the Finald S-1 Form approved by the Embassy/High Commission/Consulate of Pakistan:

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) about Form S-1 Registration of New Born baby:
Q-1. I am Pakistani national but my husband is foreigner, can I register my child as Pakistani Citizen?
A-1. Yes. However, you have to provide authentic proof of your marriage, that is, either you must have your husband name on your CNIC or Pakistani Passport. In case you did not change your marital status having your husband name either on CNIC or Passport. You need to provide an original marriage certificate which must be attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, if the marriage took place in Pakistan, or from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country where marriage took place. It is advisable to have your marital status changed on your CNIC/Passport as soon as possible which is most admissible and authentic proof. You also need to get No Objection Letter from your husband that he does not have any objection on registration of your child as Pakistani citizen.
Q-2. My wife is Afghan national and I am Pakistani Citizen, we have already registered our child as Afghan National, can we also register the child as Pakistani national?
A-2. No, you cannot because you have already registered your child as Afghan national and Pakistan does not have dual nationality arrangement with Afghanistan. However, if the child has been registered as national of such a country, that is, USA, UK, Sweden, Italy etc, with which Pakistan has dual nationality arrangements, then the child may be registered as Pakistani citizen as well. You also need to get No Objection Letter from your wife that she does not have any objection on registration of your child as Pakistani citizen. Please Click Here to see the list of countries with which Pakistan has dual Nationality arrangements.
Q. 3 How can I get Pakistani nationality?
A. 3. Please visit the official website of Directorate General of Immigration and Passport to see the detail requirments. Click Here
Q-4. My wife is U.S. national and I am Pakistani Citizen, our child is U.S. national by birth as per U.S Law, can we also register the child as Pakistani national?
A-4. Yes, you can register the child as Pakistani national as well. Because Pakistan and U.S. have dual nationality arrangements. However, you must provide an authentic proof of your marriage. Either your wife must have your name as husband on any of her authentic document, namely, Passport, or you must provide a NADRA registered Marriage Certificate or Family Registration Certificate (FRC) which have your spouse name on it. FRC is issued by NADRA online, Click Here for FRC. In case your marriage took place outside of Pakistan and you did not register your marriage in NADRA record, then you must provide an authentic document of your marriage which is acceptable in USA, duly attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (State Department) of USA and counter attested by the Embassy of Pakistan in Washington or any of the Consulate General of Pakistan in USA. However, it depends on the Diplomatic Missions which kind of document they accept and the best way out is to visit the website of that Diplomatic Mission of Pakistan where the child born.
Q-5. My child is more than one year; can I directly apply for the child NICOP without having S-1 form?
A-5. Yes, you can. If your Child is more than one year old and you did not have apply for S-1 Form still you can apply for the child NICOP online. However, you must provide all the required documents, i.e. birth certificate of the child. Keep in mind the birth certificate must be in English Langue having the child and parents names. In case NADRA ask you to provide duly attested birth certificate of the child, you can get that birth certificate attested from the Embassy of Pakistan where the child was born.
Click here to apply for the Child NICOP Online
Q-6. How can I get Pakistani Passport for my new born baby?
A-6. If the child is less than one year then first apply for his/her S-1 form to the nearby Pakistani Embassy/High Commission/Consulate. After having the S-1 form, then apply online for the child NICOP. Once you get the child NICOP then you can apply for the child Machine Readable Passport (MRP).
You can apply online for the Child Pakistani Passport– Click Here
Q-7. How to name my new born baby the name of my choice? I have new born baby but the Swedish Tax Department (Skatteverket) does not want to register the baby name as I want. They asked us to first get the baby Pakistani NICOP/Passport and then register the baby name with them. Can we register the child as a Pakistani national without having his/her name on the birth certificate (called Familjbevis/Personbevis) with the name of our choice, although there is only date of birth of the child?
A-7. Yes, many European countries does not allow parents to name their children the name of their choice. So the solution is, first apply for the child registration to the Embassy of Pakistan through S-1 Form and write the name of the child of your choice. In the birth certificate, only date of birth of the child or only surname may be written, you just write the name of the child on the personbevis of by hand. Also fill in the S-1 form and write the name of the child of your choice. It will be better if you write a brief application to the Embassy that you want the name of the child so and so and the Embassy will approve the S-1 Form. After obtaining the S-1 Form, apply for NICOP online on NADRA website and after obtaining NICOP, apply for the child Machine Readable Passport (MRP) either online or in the Embassy of Pakistan and then go to the Swedish Tax Department (Skatteverket) and register the child with that name and they will accept it.
So briefly follow the following steps:
- Register the child with the name of your choice in the nearest Embassy of Pakistan through S-1 Form, Click Here
- Apply for NICOP on NADRA website online, Click Here.
- Apply for the child MRP either online or go to the Embassy of Pakistan, Click Here.
- Then register the child in Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Authority), Click Here.
And thus your problem is solved.